Educational Background Publications Area of Specialty Courses Taught


Colleen Karow, Ph.D. CCC-SLP

Associate Professor



Educational Background:

Degree Institution Year Major
Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin 1997 Communication Sciences & Disorders
M.A. Western Illinois University 1985 Speech Pathology
B.S. Western Illinois University 1983 Speech Pathology & Audiology


Major areas of research interests:




(Past Five Years)


Karow, CM & Hart, J. Enhancing diagnostic skill in the evaluation of dysphagia with FEES. Invited speaker to the New York State Speech Language and    Hearing Association Annual Convention, Saratoga Springs, New York  



CSD 530 Language Disorders in Adults

CSD 535 Motor Speech Disorders

CSD 536 Swallowing Disroders

CSD 497/597 Nervous System and Communication