Building Histories
As the College approaches its 100th birthday, this exhibit offers students, faculty, alumni, staff, and other researchers the opportunity to discover the story of our campus buildings, present and past.
As the College approaches its 100th birthday, this exhibit offers students, faculty, alumni, staff, and other researchers the opportunity to discover the story of our campus buildings, present and past.
We work and study in the Neil Hellman Library, affectionately referred to as "The Neil." This exhibit offers information about the man behind the name, his life, and his philanthropy.
The Nursing program began in 1932 as a five-year program with six students enrolled in the first class. The program quickly changed to four years in 1933 and modified again during World War II. Due to the demands of obtaining highly qualified instructors and affiliated facilities, the Nursing program was discontinued with the last nursing students graduating in 1960. Find out more about this program through this exhibit.
This exhibits offers a description of the symbols of the College and their significance to its history and heritage.