It's here! Environmental Science at Saint Rose
B.S. in Environmental Science with choice of two tracks: Geoscience and Ecology
Are you interested in the environment?

The College of Saint Rose now offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science, with the choice of two tracks, Geoscience and Ecology.
Students in both tracks take a number of core courses, including
Environmental Science
Environmental Technology
Environmental Ethics
Intro to Environmental Geology
Principles of Biology
Aqueous Systems
Ecology (Terrestrial, Aquatic, or Marine)
Environmental Issues, a capstone course.
Students on the Geoscience track then take four additional geology courses, while students on the Ecology track take three additional ecology/biology courses and Instrumental Analysis.
Taking salinity and conductivity readings in the
Hudson River at Selkirk, NY (2012)
Collecting macroinvertebrates at Five Rivers Environmental Education Center, Delmar, NY (2011)
Measuring depth to water in a monitoring well at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, which borders the Albany Interim Landfill (2012).
Office: 167 Science Center/Albertus Hall
Mailing address: The College of Saint Rose, 432 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203
Office phone: 518-454-2910
Email: maess AT
Feel free to email me for information!