Dr. Eric Eslinger, Professor of Geology
The College of Saint Rose

Yellowstone River


Curriculum Vitae

Eric Eslinger, Ph.D.
Professor of Geology
The College of Saint Rose



  • Professor of Geology (2008-present) – Department of Physical and Biological Sciences,
    The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY
  • President (1995-present) - Eric Geoscience, Inc., Glenmont, NY
  • Associate Professor of Geology (2002-2008) – Department of Physical and Biological Sciences,
    The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY
  • Adjunct Professor (1993-1996) – Department of Physical and Biological Sciences,
    The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY
  • Adjunct Professor (1992-1995) – Geology Department, Union College, Schenectady, NY
  • President (1991-1997) – Alpha Earth, Inc., Glenmont, NY
  • Chief Geologist and Manager (1989-1991) – Geology Group, DES, Inc., Clarksville, NY
  • Supervisor, Reservoir Quality/Evaluation (1985-1989) – Cities Service/Occidental Technology Center, Tulsa, OK
  • Manager, Reservoir Diagenesis Group (1983-1985) – Cities Service/Occidental Technology Center, Tulsa, OK
  • Senior Research Geologist, Stratigraphy/Sedimentology Group (1981-1983) – Cities Service/Occidental Technology Center, Tulsa, OK
  • Research Geologist IV, Stratigraphy/Sedimentology Group (1980-1981) – Cities Service/Occidental Technology Center, Tulsa, OK
  • Adjunct Professor (1975-1980) – Department of Geophysical Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
  • Assistant and (tenured) Associate Professor (1972-1980) – Geology Department, West Georgia College (now West Georgia University), Carrollton, GA
  • Assistant Professor (1971-1972) – Geology Department, Mary Washington College (now University of Mary Washington), Fredericksburg, VA



Ph.D. in Geology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1971
B.S. in Geology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, 1966


Teaching at The College of Saint Rose

  • Introductory Geology
  • Historical Geology
  • Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
  • Petroleum Geology


Research Interests

Mineralogy-based petrophysics. Flow unit delineation and reservoir characterization using probabilistic multivariate clustering analysis software (GAMLS [Geologic Analysis via Maximum Likelihood System]. Reservoir quality and diagenesis interpretation.  Analysis and interpretation of core, cuttings, and outcrop using core description (sedimentology), XRD, SEM, and petrographic microscopy.  Integration and synthesis of geologic, engineering, and petrophysical data.


Manuscripts in Preparation

Eslinger, E., A Hydrocarbon Quick Look Method for Porosity and Water Saturation Using an Archie Equation with Probabilistic Lithology-Based Values for m, a, and Sw, in preparation.

Eslinger, E. and Boyle, F., Partitioning of Spectroscopy Log Elements into Minerals (Using Empirical Mineralogy for Calibration into Flow Units Derived from Probabilistic Clustering), in preparation.      
Eslinger, E., Burdick, B., and Cooper, J., Entropy of Probabilistic Clustering in Classification of Thin-Bedded Shales, in preparation.

Presentations and Publications (since 2002)

Eslinger, E., and Everett, R.V., Petrophysics in Gas Shales, 2012,J. A. Breyer, ed., in Shale Reservoirs – Giant Resources for the 21st Century, AAPG Memoir 97, chapter 14, p. 419-451.

Roger M. Slatt, Paul R. Philp, Neal O’Brien, Younane Abousleiman, Prerna Singh,  Roderick Perez, Romina Portas, Kurt J. Marfurt, and Steven Madrid-Arroyo, Neal O’Brien, E. Eslinger, and Elizabeth T. Baruch, 2012, Pore-to-Regional-Scale Integrated Characterization workflow for Unconventional Gas Shales, J. A. Breyer, ed., in Shale Reservoirs – Giant Resources for the 21st Century, AAPG Memoir 97, Chapter 2.

Eslinger, E., and Boyle, F, 2011, Mineral and Well Log Balance for Computing Porosity in Argillaceous Rocks – Application in Gas Shales, Proceedings - International Unconventional Oil-Gas Conference at the China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China, July 4-5, 2011, 31 p.

Slatt, Roger M., Eslinger, E. V., and Van Dyke, Staffan K., 2009, Acoustic and petrophysical properties of a clastic deepwater depositional system from lithofacies to  architectural elements' scales, Geophysics, vol. 74, no. 2, March-April, WA35-WA50.

Recent Presentations at Professional Conferences 
(see "Analysis Examples" section of Eric Geoscience, Inc. website)

R.J. Gonzalez, S.R. Reeves, E. Eslinger, and G.S. Garcia, Development and Application of an Integrated Clustering/Geostatistical Approach for 3D Reservoir Characterization, SACROC Unit, Permian Basin;  Society of Petroleum Engineers Paper 111453-MS DOI, October 29, 2007 (and published in SPE journal), SPE/EAGE Reservoir Characterization & Simulation Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE.  Paper 111453.

Gonzalez, Reinaldo, Schepers, Karine, Reeves, Scott, Eslinger, Eric, and Bäck, Thomas, Integrated Clustering/Geostatistical/ Evolutionary Strategies Approach for 3D Reservoir Characterization and Assisted History-Matching in a Complex Carbonate Reservoir, SACROC Unit, Permian Basin; SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, April 20-23, 2008, Tulsa  http://www.speior.org  (oral and paper).

Roger Slatt, Prerna Singh, Gabriel Borges, Roderick Perez, Romina Portas, Julieta Vallejo, Mike Ammerman, and Eric Eslinger, 2008, Reservoir characterization of the Barnett shale, Newark East field, TX; AAPG National Meeting, 2008, San Antonio, April 20-23 (oral).

R. Gonzalez, K. Schepers, S.R. Reeves,  E. Eslinger, and T. Back, Integrated Clustering/Geostatistical/Evolutionary Strategies Approach for 3D Reservoir Characterization and Assisted History Matching in a Complex Carbonate Reservoir, SACROC Unit, Permian Basin,”, SPE 113978,  2008 SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 19–23 April.   

Eslinger, Eric, and Gonzalez, Reinaldo, 2008, Reservoir Characterization in the Sacroc Unit of the Kelly-Snyder Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Permian Basin, Texas, via Probabilistic Clustering and Prediction Procedures Using Limited Well Log and Core Data, AAPG National Meeting, 2008, San Antonio, April 20-23  (poster).

Borges, Gabriel, Slatt, Roger, Singh, Prerna, Perez, Javier, and Eslinger, Eric, Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Barnett Shale at Newark East Field, Texas, U.S., 2007, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (oral). Paper 131-11:  http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2007AM/finalprogram/session_19587.htm 

Eslinger, Eric, 2007, Procedures for Lithology Characterization and Probabilistic Upscaling (Curve "Blocking") Using Petrophysical and Core Data; AAPG National Meeting, April 2007, Long Beach, CA  (poster session)

Eslinger, Eric; 2006; Flow Unit Delineation and Reservoir Characterization Using a Probabilistic Clustering and Mineralogy-Based Forward Modeling Procedure; SUNY-RPI combined geology colloquium, October 2006 (oral).

Eslinger, Eric and Everett, R. V., 2006; A Mineralogy-Based Probabilistic Forward Modeling Approach for Handling the Influence of Clay Minerals on Petrophysical Estimates of Porosity, Permeability, and Net Pay in Generic Reservoirs;  Joint Meeting, Groupe Francais des Argiles & The Clay Minerals Society, 4eme Colloque du GFA - 43rd Annual Meeting of the CMS, 3-7 June 2006, Oleron, France (oral).

Eslinger, Eric, and Everett, R. V., 2005; A Petrophysical Study of Reservoir Quality and Flow Unit Continuity in a Lower Clearfork Oil Field, Lower Permian Dolostones, West Texas, Using Ten Wells of Variable Age and Data Quality; AAPG National Meeting, June 2005, Calgary, Alberta  (poster session).

Eric Eslinger and R. V. Everett, 2005;  Modeling of Reservoir Properties in Clay-Rich Rocks Using a Mineralogy-Based Forward Modeling Procedure; Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society, Burlington, VT, June 13, 2005  (oral). 

Eslinger, Eric, Everett, R. V., and Tuttle, Scotty; 2004; A Mineralogy-Based Model for Limits to Gas Production Drawdown in the Vicksburg Formation, Nueces County, TX; AAPG National Meeting, April 2004, Dallas, TX  (poster session).

Eslinger, Eric, Everett, R. V., Tuttle, S., and Dennard, D.,  2004;  Net Pay from Petrophysical Analysis of 29 Wilcox Wells, SW Bonus Field, Wharton County, Texas, using a Multi-Well and Multi-Dimensional Clustering Analysis Coupled with a Mineralogy-Based Forward Modeling Procedure; AAPG National Meeting, April 2004, Dallas, TX  (poster session).

Eslinger, Eric and Everett, R. V., 2003;  Identification of Vuggy Gas Zones in the Ordovician Beekmantown Dolomite;  AAPG National Meeting, June 2003, Salt Lake City, UT  (poster session).

Eslinger, Eric and Everett, R. V., 2003;  Delineation of Reservoir Quality in the Beekmantown Dolomite Using Probabilistic Clustering of Well Logs combined with a Mineralogy-Based Forward Modeling Procedure; 2003; Special Gerald Friedman Symposium, Troy, NY, August, 2003 (oral)

Eslinger, Eric, 2002; GAMLS Software for Geologic Interpretation (Lithological, Petrophysical, Seismic); IOGA Annual Ontario Conference, Buffalo, NY, Nov. 2002.

Selected Publications and Presentations 
(prior to 2002 employment at The College of Saint Rose)


Eslinger, E., and D. Pevear, 1988, Clay minerals for petroleum geologists and engineers : SEPM Short Course Notes No. 22, 468 p.

Passaretti, M., and E. Eslinger, 1987, Dissolution and relic textures in framework grains of Holocene sediments from the Brazos River and Gulf Coast of Texas: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 57, p. 94-97.

Eslinger, E. and H-W. Yeh, 1986, Oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry of Cretaceous bentonites and shales from the disturbed belt, Montana: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p. 59-68.

Yeh, H-W., and E. Eslinger, 1986, Oxygen isotopes and the extent of diagenesis of clay minerals during sedimentation and burial in the sea: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 34, p. 403-406.

Srodon, J., D. J. Morgan, E. Eslinger, D. D. Eberl, and M. R. Karlinger, 1986, Chemistry of illite/smectite and end-member illite: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 34, p. 368-378.

Eslinger, E., and A. A. Hassani-Pak, 1985, Mineralogy and O18/O16 ratios of Georgia kaolin: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 33, p. 99-106.

Simlote, V. N., W. J. Ebanks, Jr., and E. Eslinger, 1985, Synergistic evaluation of a complex conglomerate reservoir for EOR, Barrancas Formation, Argentina: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 37, p. 295-305.

Weaver, C. E., E. Eslinger, and H-W. Yeh, 1984, Oxygen isotopes in shale-slate metamorphism in southern Appalachians: Developments in Petrology, v. 10, p. 141-152.

Conrad, J., E. Eslinger, C. B. Jay, and C. J. Mundis, 1983, Evaluation of in situ combustion process by postburn core and log analysis: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 35, p. 827-835.

Eslinger, E. and H-W. Yeh, 1981, Mineralogy, O18/O16 ratios, and D/H ratios of clay-rich sediments from Deep-Sea Drilling Project Site 180, Aleutian Trench: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 29, p. 309-315.

Eslinger, E. and B. Sellars, 1981, Evidence for the formation of illite from smectite during burial metamorphism in the Belt Supergroup, Clark Fork, Idaho: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, p. 203-216.

Eslinger, E., P. Highsmith, D. Albers, and B. DeMayo, 1979, Role of iron reduction in the conversion of smectite to illite in bentonites from the disturbed belt, Montana: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 27, p. 327-338.

Eslinger, E., S. M. Savin, and H-W. Yeh, 1979, Oxygen isotope geothermometry of diagenetically altered shales: SEPM Special Publications # 26, p. 113-214.

Anderson, T. F., T. W. Donnelly, J. I. Drever, E. Eslinger, J. M. Geiskes, M. Kastner, J. R. Lawrence, and E. A. Perry, 1976, Geochemistry and diagenesis of deep-sea sediments from Leg 35 of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project: Nature, v. 261, p. 473-476.

Eslinger, E., and S. M. Savin, 1976, Mineralogy and O18/O16 ratios of fine-grained quartz and clay from Site 323: Initial Reports of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project, v. XXXV, p. 489-496.

Hower, J., E. Eslinger, M. Hower, and E. Perry, 1976, The mechanisms of burial diagenetic reactions in argillaceous sediments, 1. Mineralogic and chemical evidence: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, p. 725-737.

Hecht, A. D., E. Eslinger, and L. B. Garmon, 1975, Experimental studies in the dissolution of planktonic foraminifera, in   W. V. Sliter, A. W. H. Be, and W. H. Bergerm, eds., Dissolution of deep-sea carbonates: Cushman Foundation for Foramiferal Research, Special Publication No. 13, January 1975.

Eslinger, E., and S. M. Savin, 1973, Mineralogy and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the hydrothermally altered rocks of the Ohaki-Broadlands, New Zealand geothermal area:  American Journal of Science, v. 273, p. 240-276.

Eslinger, E., L. M. Mayer, T. L. Durst, J. Hower, and S. M. Savin, 1973, An x-ray technique for distinguishing between detrital and secondary quartz in the fine-grained fraction of sedimentary rocks:  Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 3, p. 540-543.

Eslinger, E., and S. M. Savin, 1973, Oxygen isotope geothermometry of the burial metamorphic rocks of the Precambrian Belt Supergroup, Glacier National Park, Montana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 2549-2560.

[Not listed: approx. 35 abstracts of papers presented at professional meetings]

Miscellaneous Short Courses/Classes Presented

“Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks with focus on Clay-Rich Heterogeneous Siliciclastics (Mineralogy,  Chemistry, Properties, Petrophysics): Applications to Petrophysical Interpretation & Modeling, 5-day course for Halliburton (Houston office), August, 2012.

"GAMLS (software) Training Course" - training courses for Eric Geoscience-developed petrophysical software;  one-to-five-day intensive computer-based courses;  many times since ~ 1998 (mostly Houston, but also Bakersfield, CA; Perth, Australia);  twice at University of Oklahoma in last 2 years for graduate students and faculty in Dept. of Geological Sciences;  most recently in Albany (July, 2008)

“Reservoir Characterization and Reserves Estimation”, 5-day course for Egyptian petroleum geologists and engineers, for EREX, Maadi, Egypt, 1996, 1997, 1998.

“Introduction to Environmental Hydrogeology”, SEPM Short Course, No. 32, 1994, Bryn Mahr College (with text contributions from U. Oko, J. Smith, and G. Holliday).

"Geology for Non-Geologists", taught at HazMat International 10th Anniversary Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1992.

 “Clay Minerals for Petroleum Geologists and Engineers”, seminar/workshop, February 1988; taught for OXY USA and Occidental Petroleum in Tulsa, Bakersfield, Jackson, and Houston offices; co-taught for SEPM in Houston and Calgary.

Consulting Reports (selected)

“Faults as Seals”, for Mobil Research and Development Corp., 1994
“Shale Compaction”, for Conoco, Inc., 1992

Internal Company Reports
(1981-1989; selected; for Cities Service Oil and Gas Company, OXY USA, and Occidental Petroleum)

Eslinger, E., June 1989, Thanksgiving Field reservoir study, Amite County, Mississippi: Production Engineering Report PE89-02.

Eslinger, E., March 1988, Geologic characterization of Jackson A-1 core (lower Tuscaloosa) Amite County, Mississippi:  Production Engineering Report PE88-01.

Eslinger, E., November 1987, Geologic studies of P-0409 (San Miguel) samples: Technical Report WFM87-07.

Eslinger, E., November 1987, Final report: geologic description of whole core from the Acosta #1, Paraguay (3781-3787.25 meters): Technical Report WFM87-13.

Eslinger, E., November 1987 Density and sulfur content of kerogen in the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations, P-0409 (San Miguel), offshore California: Technical Report WFM87-12.

Eslinger, E., July 1987, Cano Limon core damage study, volume 4: geological analysis: Technical Report WFM87-04.

Eslinger, E., D. J. Blumer, E. J. Hanley, C. J. Mundis, J. S. Newby, and W. J. Wilson, June 1987, Mikulik #1, Dewitt County, Texas: engineering and geologic core analysis: Technical Report WFM87-05.

Eslinger, E., February 1987, Mussel Rock Monterey outcrop: stratigraphy, structure, mineralogy, and fractures: Technical Report WFM97-02.

Eslinger, E., August 1986, Mineralogy and petrography of sidewall cores from Indillana-Itaya No. 1, Ecuador: Technical Report WFM86-10.

Eslinger, E., June 1986, Mineralogy, petrology, chemistry, and reservoir characterization of the Monterey Formation in Block P-0409 (San Miguel), offshore Point Sal, California: Technical Report WFM86-07.

Eslinger, E., and V. Ranganathan, May 1985, Petrology, mineralogy, diagenesis, and reservoir quality of sandstones, and mineralogy of shales from three outcrop suites, Jackfork Group and Atoka Formation, Ouachitas: Technical Report #130, G85-11.

Link, M., and E. Eslinger, November 1983, Core analyses of the upper siliceous member of the Monterey Formation and the Point Sal Formation, OXY OCS P-0409 #2 Well, offshore Santa Maria Basin, California: Technical Report #119, G83-30.

Eslinger, E., and R. Slatt, June 1983, Sedimentology, mineralogy, diagenesis, and well log analysis of Booch Sandstone cores, Mason A #1 and McKee B #1 Wells, Haskell and McIntosh Counties, Oklahoma: Research Report #129, G38-20.

Link, M., E. Eslinger, and R. Loucks, June 1983, Core analyses of the lower mudstone and carbonate rocks (phosphatic facies) of the Miocene Monterey Formation, Occidental OCS-P-0409 #1 Well, offshore Santa Maria Basin, California: Technical Report #116, G83-18.

Slatt, R., and E. Eslinger, November 1982, Origin and significance of the clastic interval (11,320-12,335 feet) Shell-Cities Service-Sun Charlotte Harbor Well, Block 265, offshore west Florida: Technical Report #111, G82-44.

Eslinger, E., and V. Ranganathan, August 1982, Diagenesis of the Late Miocene Stevens Sandstone in Gulf Paloma U36-28 core, a deep-water turbidite from the San Joaquin Basin, California: Research Report #116, G28-29.

Eslinger, E., February 1982, Geologic studies pertaining to possible causes of preflush injectivity problems, Madison Micellar-Polymer Project, Kansas: Technical Report #103, G82-07.

Eslinger, E., and A. A. Hassani-Pak, July 1981, Texture, crystallinity, percent iron, O18/O16 , and D/H of Georgia kaolins: Research Report #97, G81-32.

Harpole, K., E. Eslinger, M. Passaretti, and L. Tanner, August 1981, Geologic evaluation of the Barrancas Formation for potential EOR process applications in the Mendoza contract area, Argentina: Technical Report #96, G81-30.

Eslinger, E. and H-W. Yeh, 1981, Oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry of Cretaceous bentonites and shales from the disturbed belt, Montana: Research Report #95.

Not Listed:  approx. 30 internal company technical memos dealing with sedimentology/stratigraphy and/or petrology/mineralogy of selected wells, reservoirs, or outcrops


Office: 300-1 Albertus Hall
Mailing address: The College of Saint Rose, 432 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203
Office phone: 518-337-4922
Email: e.eslinger AT gmail.com